(Please note that this list is by no means exhaustive nor in any specific order. I intend to regularly update it and would be happy to hear of other sites, blogs and forums you think should be included)
Let kids play – Mara Kaplans’ comprehensive site about inclusive play
Helle Nebelong – A champion of playspace design
Grassroots Playscapes – Take me to Hawaii – now!!
Play England
Korlanc –A Hungarian site detailing Eco-education organisations and links
Landcurrent Natural Playgrounds –full of information on nature play discovery and learning
Friends of Nature – oldest environmental NGO in China
Natural Play And Playspace Blogs
The Family Adventure Project – “ideas and inspiration to make your family life active, adventurous and interesting. Or not.”
Childhood 101
The imagination tree
EarlyChildhood Brain Insights
Early Play
Learning for life
Sustainability at Croydon West Primary School
Happy whimsical hearts
Early Childhood Education and Commonsense
Enriching the lives of Children
Growing greenies
Sand and Water tables
The nature Teacher
The outdoor preschool -Nature through Nurture
Tiny treks -unplug with nature
Today in preschool
Imagination Soup
Casa Maria’s Creative Learning Zone
Extraordinary Classroom
Different perspectives
Free Range Kids
The Red Swing Project
Playspace resources
Twigz – Children’s gardening equipment, robust,functional and practical.
Timber creations – highly imaginative hand crafted wooden play equipment.
Children’s Risky Play from an Evolutionary Perspective: The Anti-Phobic Effects of Thrilling Experiences Evolutionary Psychology, www.epjournal.net – 2011. 9(2): 257-284
February 2006 – Sir Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity. Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity.
February 2010 – Bring on the Learning revolution. Sir Ken Robinson makes the case for a radical shift from standardised schools to personalised learning – creating conditions where children’s natural talents can flourish.
Audio Downloads
- Children and Nature
- Enhancing Childrens Play,
- Naturalistic Learning Environments – three case studies
- Children and Climate Change,
- Natural Playspace Design,
- Edible gardens
Please take and use whatever is beneficial to you. The only caveat I would impose is that they not be used for paid presentations. Whilst all due care has been given to reference photos used within them, if you see or are aware of a photo that isn’t appropriately titled please let me know and I’ll immediately update,replace or remove it.