The above is a post from David Suzuki’s website. I have a lot of time for David Suzuki. He was there fighting for the natural environment and social justice long before either was sexy, vogue or a moneymaking concern.
‘There has been a shift away from nature-based recreation in favour of the ubiquitous screen. Even when individuals enter green space, they are often not really “there” in the mindful sense — texting, incoming messages, and eyes fixated upon Smartphones take the brain elsewhere. In many ways we are drowning in a sea of infotoxicity and entertainment media. Extracting ourselves from the information vortex is hard because “information”, even of dubious quality, has a powerful physiological pull. To be clear, technology does wondrous things; it is not “bad”. However, an overuse of gadgetry technology may be a key driver in the dilution of nature’s benefits’