We’re Doing Preschool All Wrong, Says New Book

12/02/2016 21:21
We’re Doing Preschool All Wrong, Says New Book

The full article can be read from the hyperlink above

Preschool expulsions? ADD drugs for 2-3 to three year olds? This could be the terrifying road ECE in Australia could go down by aping the US.  “Disappearing are the days when preschools were havens for free play and make believe. They’re now factories for rote memorization and dry instruction,…….What Preschoolers Really Need From Grownups, she argues that preschools are no longer giving children enough room to play, leading them to become less inquisitive, curious thinkers — qualities they need to become successful adults…….”Why, when kids are so programmed to learn, are they having trouble?” ……. “We know they’re having trouble because we have an actual epidemic of preschool expulsions, kids are being medicated off-label as early as 2 or 3 [years old] with attention management drugs, and also we have more anecdotal evidence that parents are very frustrated.”

Tess Michaels