Scallywags, Long Daycare Centre, Bathurst

22/03/2014 3:03

I was recently sent some photos of another completed project, this time in Bathurst. Scallywags, with the help of  a local contractor, has completely changed the face of their centre to the point where the Director mentioned in an email that staff noticed an immediate change in the childrens’ play patterns. She stated that the children were calmer and more centered in their activities, even when the playspace had all age groups in attendance.

Playspace, Before, 2013 

Playspace, After, 2014

Playspace, Before, 2013 
 Playspace, After, 2014
Playspace, Before, 2013 

Playspace, After, 2014
Playspace, Before, 2013

 Playspace, After, 2014
Playspace, Before, 2013

 Playspace, After, 2014

Playspace, Before, 2013 

Playspace, After, 2014

Playspace, Before, 2013 

Playspace, After, 2014

Playspace, Before, 2013

Playspace, After, 2014

Tess Michaels