Each book in the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and Outdoor Environment Information Series is specifically written for educators and parents who wish to help develop high quality early childhood environments that address how naturalistic play and playspaces can be used to meet each of the five EYLF learning outcomes. The primary aim of the books is to enable educators and parents to ‘foster children’s capacity to understand and respect the natural environment and the interdependence between people, plants, animals and the land.’
The medium we have chosen for the publication is as eBooks. This is because compared to mass hard cover printings they are eco-friendly, accessible globally via the internet, easily updateable and available to all cultures because of their pricing. The format allows room for greater interactivity, permitting us to provide links to videos, free presentations and forms in addition to websites and organisations that provide expert information and knowledge. Adobe reader for all PC, Mac and Android systems can be downloaded for free HERE.
We view all our books as living documents and anyone, anywhere who uses them is invited to provide additional information (specific to their geographic location, problems, successes, challenges and solutions etc.) which we’re happy to include in subsequent versions along with their attribution details.
- HTML, good for sampling in web browser
- Kindle (.mobi for Kindle devices and Kindle apps
- Epub (Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kobo, and most e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, Adobe Digital Editions and others)
- Palm Doc (PDB) (for Palm reading devices)
- LRF (Use only for older model Sony Readers that don’t support .epub)
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you can download free .pdf copies
A comprehensive guide to growing Vegetables.

Garden Maintenance for Playspaces
“Currently over 850 copies sold worldwide”, thank you for your feedback, it will appear with attributions in the next edition .
Finally, after numerous requests and much appreciated feedback and field testing we have created a comprehensive manual for use by educators, parents (and in supervised circumstances, children) who want to be involved in the maintenance of their playspaces. The manual covers the Who, What and Where questions and the appendices provide checklists and all-inclusive proformas for reports, letters and links to research and organisations.