Naplan performance a myth study.
Wow, NAPLAN is not the all curing panacea they intended. Who would have thunk it?
Umm…Everyone who wasn’t a member of the Federal government or Education department.
Full article can be read from the link above.
“The long-held government belief that increasing competition between schools by publishing NAPLAN results on the My School website will improve performance is a myth, according to research by the Grattan Institute.
The independent think tank also says Australia has the wrong strategy on school autonomy, a key part of the education reforms, pointing out that Victoria, which led the world in giving principals more power over how they ran their schools, does not perform better than NSW, which had a centralised system until recently.
…..The Grattan Institute’s director of school education, Dr Ben Jensen, who analysed year 9 NAPLAN results at schools in competition with each other, said he was surprised to discover test scores had little effect on school enrolments.
Barriers that limited competition between schools included commuting distance, cost and the fact many high-performing state schools are full and only accept students who live in their enrolment zones. Dr Jensen also said that school autonomy was being over emphasised.