Michigan Preschool Economics: How Investing In Early Childhood Education Pays Off

13/06/2013 5:05

Michigan Preschool Economics: How Investing In Early Childhood Education Pays Off

This correlation between early education and “successful life circumstance” has been known for quite a while but governments have chosen not to act. How ironic that now when their justice, prison and social services are stretched to the max. the concept is re-examined.  To little to late.

Full article can be read from the link above. 

“From an adult perspective, it doesn’t look like much “real” learning is happening in a preschool classroom. Singing, coloring, and cutting with scissors are part of the mix, and maybe a dress-up corner, but it’s not what we think of as “school” when we’re older.

But that’s a mistaken idea, say early childhood experts, and a dangerous one when it’s used to justify underfunding preschool programs. In fact, several studies have shown preschool is associated with higher earnings, employability, and less crime compared to kids who did not go to preschool.

And when more people are contributing to the tax base and not consuming resources through the criminal justice or welfare systems, more tax revenue is available for other public needs.”

Tess Michaels