Kidsafe 2014 National Playspace Design Awards Winner, Education and Care Services – Highly Commended SDN BERANGA

20/10/2014 23:23

Kidsafe 2014 National Playspace 

Design Awards Winner

Education and Care Services –  

Highly Commended


Congratulations to Tessa Rose Landscapes and SDN Childrens services as well as J M Landscapes for once again, winning another, highly commended Award, yet again, in the 2014 National Kidsafe award for SDN Beranga. Always the bridesmaid. πŸ™‚
Posts in respect to the design and construction of SDN Beranga can be viewed via the links below.

Mural Celebrating the 
Indigenous Stewardship of the land
1, 2, 3.


Tess Michaels