12/01/2013 22:22
independent gardening ltd: How on earth….
An interesting piece from ” Independent Gardening”, all I can say is Ditto. It’s interesting that this disease last seen in the 17/18th century, has only been “reported” as making a resurgence in the UK since 2007. Note “reported” and UK. It could be in other similar climates for longer but has only “existed” since it was formerly reported.
From PubMed Health
Rickets is a disorder caused by a lack of vitamin D, calcium, or phosphate. It leads to softening and weakening of the bones.
Causes, incidence, and risk factorsVitamin D helps the body control calcium and phosphate levels. If the blood levels of these minerals become too low, the body may produce hormones that cause calcium and phosphate to be released from the bones. This leads to weak and soft bones.
Vitamin D is absorbed from food or produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight. Lack of vitamin D production by the skin may occur in people who live in climates with little exposure to sunlight, must stay indoors, work indoors during the daylight hours
Cases have been reported in Britain in recent years
[10] of rickets in children of many social backgrounds caused by insufficient production in the body of vitamin D because the sun’s ultraviolet light was not reaching the skin due to use of strong sunblock, too much “covering up” in sunlight, or not getting out into the sun. Other cases have been reported among the children of some ethnic groups in which mothers avoid exposure to the sun for religious or cultural reasons, leading to a maternal shortage of vitamin D;
[11][12] and people with darker skins need more sunlight to maintain vitamin D levels. The
British Medical Journal reported in 2010 that doctors in
Newcastle on Tyne saw 20 cases of rickets per year.
Full article can be read from the link above.
“Okay I am going to have a rant……. How on earth in today’s age can we have allowed Rickets to resurface again in children within the UK? Technically Rickets is caused by severe malnutrition (do you remember the pictures of the famine in Biafra with children with bloated stomachs and bent legs?) or a lack of Vitamin D and calcium. Vitamin D comes from sunshine and is vital for the absorption of calcium. Ergo we need sun on our skins – too much sunscreen, and you block it – but first of all of course you need to get outside!!!! Are we so far gone as parents that we need to keep our children safe inside on computers, tablets and Iphones? Have we become so lazy that we have lost the ability to play; to take our children for walks? Have we become so obsessed with technology, with the internet, with ‘e-games’ that we have forgotten that our children need to interact with people and nature – not a wretched screen on a computer (she says as she types this on the internet). I find this fact deeply, deeply shocking. I get scared for our future as human beings. We have a responsibility to ourselves, our children, our neighbours and the environment. Technology is brilliant but it has a place. It does not teach us how to interact with real people; it does not teach us how to have conversations; nor how to behave. It most certainly does not teach us the consequences of our actions on other people. I dare say I will be shot down in flames for this blog, but I constantly thank God, or the universe, for the fact that I am lucky enough to live in the countryside; to know and to be able to observe the changes in the season. To know that the universe, our planet and nature are unimaginably huge, wonderful, terrifying, awe inspiring and often side splittingly funny. Even in cities it is still possible to look at the sky, walk in the sun and feel the fresh (ish) air on our faces. Sitting inside makes us smaller, somehow less, in ourselves. We lose the wonder of nature in all its magnificence. Sir David Attenborough brings much into our living rooms, but you cannot replace the intricacies and fun of observing our own particular take on nature in our gardens with a quick visit to the Galapagos Islands via TV. I still think that one of the most wonderful sounds on the planet is the sound of a small child laughing as they play. There is an all encompassing, gut wrenching, side splitting one hundred per cent joy in that sound, an innocence and wisdom beyond their age. I hope that we get to hear it more often and not less.”