Free resource material – Natural play, playspaces and gardening with children – Part 2

19/07/2017 19:19

 All materials are free to download and where it is a copy of someone else’s creation I have given appropriate attribution

Playground Maintenance for Playspaces

A comprehensive guide to the inspection and maintenance of playgrounds, playspaces and playscapes. The guide includes an all-inclusive inspection checklist as well as reporting proforma for incidents/accidents and any other events that may compromise the safety of your environment. Contemporary research addresses common misconceptions and misinformation about safety practices and procedures, giving you greater choice and peace of mind.

Irrigation System Maintenance Checklist

To be used in conjunction with Garden Maintenance for Playspaces

To be used in conjunction with Garden Maintenance for Playspaces
To be used in conjunction with Garden Maintenance for Playspaces

Benefits of Plants in the Playground

Poster – Pan Canadian, Early Development Imperative, Sheila Grieve, 2009

Jim Jolley Tyre Design

Create a playspace on a budget using upcycled materials, in this case tires.  This book is being put in the public domain in the memory of Jimmy Jolley. Jimmy worked ceaselessly all his life for children – specially the poor. His life will always be an inspiration to us.


Tess Michaels